Aralık 6, 2023

Stories Through Fabrics Whilst we do not condemn advertising of fairness creams; as far as it is just complexion that is in context. The problem begins when the advertising starts digressing the focus from the ‘Complexion’ aspect and propagates an idea that being ‘Fair’ means being ‘Beautiful’. As cliché as this example is, it is…

Aralık 6, 2023

Prioritizing Life On Our Planet In a world that allocates billions of dollars to the quest for extraterrestrial life, it is disheartening to acknowledge that additional trillions of dollars are spent on conflicts and wars, that claim millions of lives on our own planet. Responsible governance and redirection of these resources could address eradication of…

Aralık 6, 2023

“Accountability for our inactions”   “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children” Nelson Mandela In a world riddled with conflicts, injustices, and despair, it is with heavy hearts that we must confront a painful truth: “we have failed our children”. Wars, displacement, starvation,…